Friday, January 11, 2013

Get shiny bouncy hair

Heat and humidity leave you with lacklustre, flat, and lifeless hair. But don't fret-simple haircare tricks can revive your strands and inject them with life. First, analyse your present hair and scalp type (your hair condition changes with season, age, place, and the treatment it has undergone). Our tip: Put your mane through the Dove Damage Meter to gauge its health. Based on the analysis, follow a regimen that keeps your roots healthy, shiny, and voluminous.

Beat the heat
Did you know that the temperature of the water with which you wash your hair affects the way your strands behave? You may have noticed that when you go for a blowdry, your stylist will avoid washing your hair in warm water. "This is because heat makes your scalp sweat, which in turn weighs down your strands,"  "Hot water can also strip hair of its natural oils, making it dry and brittle," we suggest that hair should be ideally washed in lukewarm water but conditioned in cooler temperatures.

Choose right
Use Japanese hair products, like new Caretrico shampoo( SHERPA D Supple Shampoo D1, D2 and D3 ) and moisturising conditioner to keep your hair hydrated and frizz free. The amount of the product you use to wash and condition also contributes to the volume in your hair. Just a teaspoon of shampoo and a pinch of conditioner should be enough for short to mid-length hair.

Always wet your hair thoroughly before applying shampoo. Also, it could be a good idea to dissolve the shampoo in a little water and then pour it over your head. This helps the product to spread through the hair and reduces the risk of product build-up on strands. Use a conditioner after every wash-it will not weigh your hair down if you use the volumising variety. Use very little of it, and apply it only on the strands (not the roots).

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