Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Marbling Treatments from Arimino

How to Manage Coarse Hair

So, you ended up with a big, thick, head of coarse and unruly hair. What's a dude to do?
First, it's important to realize that coarse hair is often confused with damaged hair. Often, they're not the same. Coarse hair feels rough, it's dull, and it can grow in different directions. Coarse hair can also tend to be very dry. The upside is that coarse hair is, quite often, very healthy and strong. The downside is that this strong and healthy head of hair can be quite the challenging opponent when trying to tame the beast. Here are a few options:

One of the most common ways guys damage their hair is by rubbing their head with a towel. When the hair is wet it becomes more susceptible to damage. The hairs get caught in the fibers of the towel and get stretched out damaged. When drying your hair, pat the hair with a towel instead of rubbing your head. This isn't a quick fix as they hair that is already damaged will need to grow out and be cut off for it to go away. Damaged hair really can't be "fixed" as some products claim.

Many barbers and stylists will try to use thinning shears to help reduce the bulk of thick, coarse hair. Mistake. Thinning or texturizing coarse hair can make it look even more coarse. Thinning hair can create lots of shorter pieces which can actually hold up the longer hair and give a bushier look. You also don't need to add texture to coarse hair -- it already has a lot of texture.

Use of a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner on a daily basis can help soften coarse hair and add moisture if your hair is dry. Two products I love for this are Caretrico Shampoo Type-H
and Caretrico Treatment Type H. They're quite effective at nourishing dry, coarse hair. Once per week, you can also try a Marbling hair treatment. ( Type H)

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