Thursday, March 28, 2013

How To Style Your Own Hair

To Achieve nice Look, Vjpeace Provides These Styling Tips:

Step 1. After you get out of the shower, vigorously dry your hair with a towel to almost lightly damp.

Step 2.Take a healthy amount of firm hold gel and apply all the way through roots to ends. This will give you the hold and texture you want with wavy hair like the model in image.

Step 3. Use your fingers as a brush and push back to create desired hair movement. You can also use a vent brush with wide bristles.

Step 4. Let the hair dry completely while you get ready for your day. Just before you leave the house use a dime size of hair wax for shine and malleability. This will allow you to brush your hair back into place with your hands all day long.

 recommended  Arimino Spice products

  Freeze wax and Neo hairspray
These products and more can be found at

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