Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to make coarse and curly hair soft

Any woman with coarse, curly hair will tell you it’s one of the hardest hair types to control. Even harder is to find a stylist who can shape it properly. But thanks to innovations in new products and techniques it is possible to soften coarse, curly hair.
For those desperate for an immediate fix, leave-in conditioner, deep conditioning masks, and hair oils are all available to fight frizz and create silkiness. When trying different shampoos and conditioners (to find one that works for you), it’s essential to look for moisturizing or damage repair elements—like the professional salon products

Arimino's product lines. Deep conditioning masks, though having a longer set-in time (usually overnight), are used 2 to 4 times a month and work even better in restoring softness to coarse, curly hair.  The Spice Neo Hair Gloss used alone can create the illusion of changing coarse hair’s texture to shiny and manageable, especially when paired with flat-ironing. Another alternative for women with very dry hair and very dry ends is hair oil. Olive oils (extra-virgin to reduce the foodsy smell) are often mixed with other more pleasant scents and applied only to the last inch to couple inches of hair. 

Coarse, curly hair can seem difficult to soften and impossible to style but by experimenting with what works for you, you can achieve soft, healthy hair too.

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