Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Think Swingy, Not Stiff

The stiffer you make your hair with wafts of hair spray or globs of gel, the older you look. The number one way to avoid grandmotherly "helmet hair" is to stop overusing products,  For a softer, more natural look, don't overapply spray directly to the hair. "[Position the bottle] far away from your hair, and mist hair for a light hold that doesn't look crunchy,"
 You can also swap your extra hold hair spray for a lighter formula — we like Spice Shower Wax hair spray. If your hair is curly, avoid weighing it down with sticky gels. "This gives you that hard and crunchy look that we want to stay away from,"
 I recommends choosing a cream-based product or very lightweight mousse. To give your hair movement when styling at home, avoid curling it under with a round brush while drying, and try blow-drying hair away from your face. If you want to achieve volume, use Velcro rollers to create height without overcurling the ends. "If you have bangs, do not round-brush your bangs!" —that style makes you look dated.

Have a wonderful day!

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