Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reassess Your Routine

Hormones are the ultimate double-edged sword—they stimulate both hair growth and hair loss. As we age, the production of androgens (hormones present in both men and women) increases, changing the look and feel of hair follicles; for some of us they get thicker, and for others experience thinning hair. "Over time, adjust your product regimen,"

 If your hair is becoming coarser and dryer, stock up on heavier, more hydrating conditioners packed with emollient ingredients like cat ion keratin, rose hip oil, amino ceramide. Try peace/caretrico hair products which contains selected the finest natural ingredients for dry hair and damaged hair. In addition, boost your biotin intake (the recommended dosage is 30 mcg a day). Biotin, which you can get from whole grains, fruit, and eggs, may help promote hair health by increasing metabolism so that the nutrients you consume reach your hair follicles too.

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