Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Salon Products Vs. Over the Counter Hair Products

Why are salon products more expensive than over the counter products? Why should I use salon products instead of over the counter products? How do I know what product is right for my hair type? These are a few very common questions and also questions that most people do not know the answer to. Knowing the right hair products to use can save you lots of time and money in the long run. The most important thing about a product is how it makes your hair feel after wards, right? The cleaning agent in salon products, also known as the surfactant, is gentler than the over the counter products. Often times, over the counter products can leave your hair feeling dry, or with product build up in your hair. Many over the counter products contain harsh ingredients. Ammonium Laurel Sulfate is often found in over the counter products and can actually dry out your hair, causing split ends and hair breakage. Salon products have tons of experts and research behind them. Your hair stylist can help you choose the salon product that is correctly formulated for your hair type and for what your trying to accomplish for your finished look. Most salon products are also pH balanced to your hair's natural pH. Also, salon products contain higher quality conditioners for your hair that contain protein and protection. Salon products are also of a higher consistency than over the counter products. Salon products are more concentrated, which means that you can use less of the salon product than the over the counter product and you will still be able to get the effect you are looking for.
I am sure that you have noticed lately that salon products can be found at your local convenience stores due to what is being called "diversion". Salons should be the only ones carrying professional products, and yet some how they have started showing up at local convenience stores. Professional product companies are stumped and are trying desperately to find out how this is happening and stop it, as the salon products sold at the local convenience stores may be fake, old or diluted salon products. Just remember, stylists are trained in the knowledge and formulation of these salon products, they are your go to guide for your hair problems, and they also make their living off of them. Also, salon products are only guaranteed if you buy them in a salon.

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