Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some Hair Care Products and Tools Every Woman Needs

Are you overwhelmed by all the mousses, gels, irons and other hair care products vying for your attention? What you really need boils down to some basic tools. Here are the hair care products and tools every woman should have on hand.

  1. A good brush.
    The higher quality your hairbrush, the healthier your hair. We've found the best brushes have rubber bases with boar's head bristles. These allow bristles to flex, cutting down on the damage to your hair. Here, you'll find brushes for $10.95. 

    2. The rightshampoo for your hair type.
    Caretricco Shampoos work by cleansing hair of dirt and oil. Picking the correct shampoo is all about the ingredients. Extra tip: More shampoo is not better. All you need is a half-dollar-sized dollop, perhaps a bit more if you have long hair. And although it says on the back of every shampoo bottle, "rinse & repeat," you don't need to if you did a good job the first time around. Beauty experts tout Pantene as the best basic shampoo on the market. We tend to agree, having tried dozens of different shampoos from the fabulously pricey to the basics. Check out their various products from moisturizing to volumizing.

    3. Conditioner.
    Unless you have baby fine hair that goes limp at the sight of creamy conditioners, you need to a conditioner. Hair pros will tell you conditioner can help repair heat- & chemical-damaged hair. The truth is conditioners protect your hair from these things (and harsh brushings). More than conditioning, we like how conditioners have moisturizing agents that coat hair leaving it tangle-free. Want to spend less time brushing out long wet hair? Condition the ends. Your comb will zip right through.

    4. A wide-toothed comb.
    Never, ever, ever, never use a brush to comb out wet hair. That's why they call it 'combing out' - a wide-toothed comb is the only equipment that should touch your wet head.

    Spice-Neo Shine serum.
    Here is where you may say, 'what?' But really, who would turn down a shiny mane if promised one? These shine serums really do work. If you have fine, straight hair, forgo the serums for the spray & don't use too much. Shine products will weigh down fine hair, so a quick spritz will do you. If your hair is thick, try the serums, which help smooth the hair & give it an added gleam, or just use more of the spray.

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