Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everyday Washing Tips for Healthy Hair

If your locks have been lacking oomph, feeling dry, been unruly or have just lost their shine, some easy tress de-stress tips that you can use when washing your hair may be just what you need to get your hair healthy again.
Wash Gently
While clean hair is one of the best ways to instantly revive your hair, these tips will also ensure that your locks are clean and healthy:
 Use a gentle shampoo.  
 Only wash your hair every two days (or less if you can get away with it), so that your hair oils don’t get stripped away and can do their job of nourishing your hair naturally.
 Always handle your hair and scalp carefully when washing and don't rub the shampoo into your hair, instead, gently massage it in for a better clean and to help keep hair damage to a minimum.
Always Use Conditioner
Just as clean locks are a must, so are moisturized locks. While skipping conditioner might seem like a way of saving money or to minimize your hair becoming weighed down with product, conditioner is a must if you really want healthy hair.
  To get the most out of your conditioner, make sure to squeeze excess water from your hair after shampooing as too much water in your locks can dilute your conditioner, cutting its effectiveness.
 If wash out conditioner is too heavy for your locks, or you need an extra conditioning boost, pick up Mist moisture spray in conditioner and use it on your hair daily. Focus on the driest parts of your hair (usually the ends) and you’ll have lovely, healthy locks in no time!
As you can see, washing your locks with these effortlessly easy tips in mind can help to cut the stress on your tresses and help you to enjoy healthy hair everyday, so give them a try today

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