Monday, October 8, 2012

Dry Hair a Problem? Read How to Solve It!

If your hair is dry, it can look dull, frizzy, and unflattering. You can't get it to look healthy and glossy and styling it is a nightmare! Don't despair--read our tips and tricks to improve the condition of your hair and say goodbye to frizz for good!

If your hair is dry, do not wash it every day. Unless you have a job where you get very dirty, every two days or even longer will be quite enough. Also, what you do afterwards can damage your hair. For instance, hair dryers and curling irons or hot irons can make dry hair even worse.

Use Caretrico Shampoo and Conditioner

Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. A good choice if your hair is very dry is to use baby shampoo. This is very gentle and will not strip the natural oils from your hair. Use a good quality conditioner after washing your hair. A "leave-in" type is very effective.

Once a week, use an intensive conditioner or hot oil treatment. Have the ends of your hair cut regularly, about every six weeks. This will help prevent split ends, which are both unsightly and damaging. There are products for sale that claim to "repair" them. If they have any effect at all, it will be a temporary one. The only cure for split ends is to snip them off.

Avoid Too Much Heat!
If possible, allow your hair to air dry naturally sometimes instead of using a hair dryer. Hot styling appliances are very useful but are another possible source of damage. Do your hair a favor and try not to use them too often. Strong sunshine can turn your hair to straw! If you go out in the sun, wear a hat or a baseball cap.
The chemicals in swimming pool water or the salt in sea water can also dry out your hair. Invest in special products, which you can buy to prevent damage. If in doubt, ask the assistant in your local store or your stylist for advice.

Banish the Frizz!
Dry hair is often also frizzy. A very effective way of taming frizzy hair is to use Spice Neo hair serum. The results are instant and will often transform frizzy hair. the trick is never to use too much. A little serum will tame the frizzies and make your hair glossy and manageable. Too much and your hair will look lank and greasy.

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