Monday, October 15, 2012

Beauty Tips: 15 Seconds to Beautiful Hair

Hair tips # 1: Don't over-wash your hair

Ever wonder why women in Europe or Asia, or for that matter anywhere outside the United States, have such amazingly healthy-looking hair? They do not, I repeat, do not wash their hair every day. They go at least two or three days between washes, letting their natural scalp oils coat and nourish their strands. Now I know there are some women out there saying, "You're absolutely nuts. I go to the gym, run, do yoga, and sweat, so my hair has to be washed every day." Take it from me, it doesn't. Instead, just give your hair a good rinse with water and follow with minimal product to avoid buildup. I promise, soon you'll find that you have a head full of lustrous, healthy hair.

Hair tips # 2: Learn to love Caretrico leave in conditioner

If you give your hair a break from shampoo, it will dry out less and won't require much conditioner. That said, I am sort of addicted to leave in conditioner and recommend massaging one into damp hair on days you do wash. It gives your do just the right amount of moisture it needs to stay soft and adds a bit of texture and hold too.

Hair tips # 3: Stock up on Caretrico shampoo

This is a permanent fixture in my styling case because it has so many uses. For example, you can dust dry shampoo on to absorb excess oil when you've gone too long between washes. Or you can use it to give fine hair some oomph—just apply it at your roots all over your head and brush through.

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