Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Care for Fine Hair

Use a good shampoo and conditioner like Japanese hair products.   If you have oily hair,  which is not uncommon for people with fine hair, it's best to put the conditioner on the ends of your hair to prevent split ends but stay away from the scalp. If you have a dry itchy scalp, go with moisturizing shampoos and use a lot of conditioner.

Use hair mask if your hair is damaged. It's a great way to keep hair healthy and shiny for all types. If you have oily hair, it'll still work too but make sure to use a good clarifying shampoo and get a mask that is not too heavy because it will weigh your hair down and it's just not good for fine hair. Using a treatment at night and leaving it in while you sleep is great, just wash it out the next day.

Don't comb or brush your hair excessively. If your hair is fine or even fine and curly, it could easily break your hair and cause split ends especially when it's wet. Never brush your hair while it's still wet.

Let your hair air dry. Don't use styling tools like flat irons, blow dryers, and etc. Your hair may look nice but in the long run it'll ruin your hair completely for all hair types. If you have to use one, use a heat protector to prevent serious damage.

Wash your hair every day with a gentle shampoo. I would recommend Arimino Sherpa hair care series.  Fine hair shows when it's dirty much faster than coarse or thick hair. If you can afford to skip a day, however, you should because washing your hair daily actually causes damage. Plus if you're one to straighten your hair all the time, it helps a bit if you take a shower every other day or so, since you wont have to use heat tools every day after you take a shower.

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