Monday, November 5, 2012

How to prevent static hair in cold weather

Static hair can be a big problem during the winter when the cold, dry air dehydrates hair. Here are some ways to calm those electric locks.


 1- Deep-condition your hair regularly.  Properly moisturized hair is less likely to be affected by static.

2- Use a "leave-in" conditioner on your hair after you wash it, or apply conditioning hair gel. These products help to weigh the hair down
3- Use hair spray your hairbrush or comb with an anti-static spray before you run it through your hair.

4-Keep a fabric softener sheet handy and run it over your hair when it starts to get out of control. Carry it in your purse so you can use it several times during the day if necessary.

5- Avoid hair products that include ingredients that will dry out your hair, such as alcohol or harsh chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfates.

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